The Problem of Power

The Problem of Power

Sergeev V.M.,

Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Principal Researcher, Institute for International Studies, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 1447 |

For citation:

Sergeev V.M. The Problem of Power . – Polis. Political Studies. 2008. No. 2


The author returns to the question of phenomenon of power. In his opinion, the main object of current researches in political science is not the essence power as such, but forms of power, its institutional structures etc. In other words, the problem of essence of power, of its ontology is reduced to investigations of forms of its realization. Giving attention to the wide spread of «magic» practices of direct control of political behavior, the author poses the task of constructing an initial classification of ontological aspects of wielding power, which would be based on criticizing purely rational models of human consciousness.

Content No. 2, 2008

See also:

Linetsky A.I.,
Economic Development Impact of Political Institutions: a Mechanism of Influence. – Polis. Political Studies. 2016. No2

Ilyin M.V.,
Annular model of the global geopolitical expanse. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No2

Akhremenko A.S., Petrov A.P.,
Political institutions, efficiency and deprivation: essay of analogue computation. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No6

Misurov D.A.,
Symbolic Modelling in Russia: Transformations of the Imperial-Soviet-Presidential Model. – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No3

Neklessa A.I.,
Crisis of the modern world: new forms of sociality. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No2

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