Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities

Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities

For citation:

Belyayeva N.Yu. Evolution of the concept of public policy: attention for «motive forces» and for governing entities. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No. 3. P. 72-87. (In Russ.)


The article, in particular, analyzes the notion – suggested by Jurgen Habermas – of “re-feudalization” of the public sphere in modern information societies; retraces consecutive development of three different traditions: the American, the European, and the global – of application of the notion of “public policy”, the invariable kernel of this concept being meanwhile revealed; and, finally, analyzes the notion of “strategic actors” – suggested by Neil Flegstin – within the framework of the entitative-institutional approach. The use of these concepts in the political and academic discourse in modern Russia is, besides, considered

Content No. 3, 2011

See also:

Galkin A.A., Fedosov P.A., Valentey S.D., Solovey V.D.,
Federalism and the Public Sphere in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2001. No4

Nikovskaya L.I., Yakimets V.N.,
Estimation of effectiveness of public policy institutions in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No5

Miroshnichenko I.V., Morozova E.V.,
Network Public Policy: Outlines of Subject Field. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No2

Belyayeva N.Yu.,
Public Policy in Russia: Resistance of the Medium. – Polis. Political Studies. 2007. No1

Petrov S.I.,
STATE GOVERNANCE AND POLITICAL NETWORKS. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No4

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