Polis. Political Studies
Gavrilova M.V.
Articles in journal:
Gavrilova M.V.
Explication of politician’s ideological representations: linguistico-cognitive approach (¹ 3 2010)
Gavrilova M.V.
Modernization of Russian Political Discourse in the Aspect of Meanings Read into Notions (With the Explication of the Concept “State” as an Example) (¹ 3 2007)
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
Gavrilova M.V.
Galkin A.A.
Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
Gelman V.Ya.
Dakhin A.V.
Ilyin M.V.
Kosolapov N.A.
Nikitin A.I.
Smorgunov L.V.
Farukshin M.Kh.
“We in the World — the World in Us”: 50 Years of the Integration of Our Country’s Political Science into the World One (Virtual Round Table) (¹ 6 2005)
Gavrilova M.V.
Political Discourse as Object of Linguistic Analysis (¹ 3 2004)
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