Polis. Political Studies
Baranov S.D.
Articles in journal:
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
Lapkin V.V.
Pantin V.I.
Solovyov A.I.
Ilyin M.V.
Meleshkina E.Yu.
Novinskaya M.I.
Avdonin V.S.
Yargomskaya N.B.
Akhremenko A.S.
Malakanova O.A.
Kuzmin A.S.
Baranov S.D.
Kovalev V.A.
Diligensky G.G.
Structure and Dynamics of Russia’s Multidimensional Electoral Space (¹ 2 2000)
Round Table of the «Polis» Journal
Nikolayev A.I.
Mitrokhin S.S.
Glaz’yev S.Yu.
Yakovenko I.G.
Plyays Ya.A.
Gradirovsky S.N.
Baranov S.D.
Klimov I.A.
Musikhin G.I.
Zamyatin D.N.
Klimenko Z.V.
Lapkin V.V.
Okara A.N.
Mezhuyev B.V.
National vs State Interest: Theoretical Concepts and Political Reality. A Round Table and Fragments of the Discussion. (¹ 1 2000)
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