Metageographical axes of Eurasia

Metageographical axes of Eurasia

Zamyatin D.N.,

Dr. Sci. (Cultural Anthropology), principal researcher, Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism, National Research University Higher School of Economics,

elibrary_id: 125719 |

For citation:

Zamyatin D.N. Metageographical axes of Eurasia . – Polis. Political Studies. 2010. No. 4


The article presents introduction into the problems of metageography, i.e. of a particular interdisciplinary sphere of knowledge, which finds itself at the junction of science, philosophy and art (in a broad sense) and studies different possibilities, conditions, methods and discourses of geographical thinking and imagination. The author makes an extensive excursus into the history of elaboration of rationalist and scientist approaches to this notion since the first half of the 19th century. Special attention of the author is drawn by the problem of formation of the geographical image of Eurasia as a “World Island”, or an “island-continent”, by the fractality of the expanse of Eurasia. The discursive scheme of axial metageographical “assemblage” of Eurasia, proposed by the author, undoubtedly, presupposes substantial geopolitical, geocultural and geoeconomic implications.

Content No. 4, 2010

See also:

Zamyatin D.N.,
Geocracy. Eurasia as the Image, Symbol and Project of Russian Civilization. – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No1

Zamyatin D.N.,
Space and (In)security: ontological models of imagination. – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No3

Gaman-Golutvina O.V.,
Metaphysical dimensions of elite transformations in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No4

Isayev B.A.,
Geopolitics: classical and modern. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No2

Pushkaryova G.V.,
Political space: problems of theoretical conceptualization. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No2



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
6 2009

Makarenko V.P.
Political conceptology

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