Clash of Civilizations or Sustainable Development?

Clash of Civilizations or Sustainable Development?

Ivanov P.M.,

Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Chairman of the Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management of KBSC of RAS, Nalchik, Russia,

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2015.02.11
Rubric: Dixi!

For citation:

Ivanov P.M. Clash of Civilizations or Sustainable Development? – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No. 2.


The third millennium caught mankind unawares: problems of global transformation of the modern world, huge problems of a planetary scale appeared (for who could expect such a prompt fall and disintegration of a huge superpower – the USSR?). Solution of these problems requires new fundamental approaches to construction of a harmonious scientific and methodological framework of a world order in the XXI century. Third millennium arrived together with understanding of coherence and interdependence of people, countries, nations, etc. The world appeared before us as global, i.e. as complete, uniform and common to all with its new threats and challenges. However, unsystematic, wild and arbitrary globalization, not based on management, can develop into process dangerous to the world community. The author proves that there is a controllable way of development of the human civilization – unlike wrong, in the author’s opinion, S. Huntington’s statement that the world is due for a long way of inevitable collisions of civilizations, i.e. – a way to nowhere. At a present stage of development the mankind doesn’t manage to produce the mechanisms capable of removing the accruing conflicts in the world community and at the same time solving real problems of globalization at the supranational level. As theoretical bases of such mechanisms this work offers in the first case – the new concept of a sustainable development, cornerstone of which is directing globalization processes into controllable course, and by doing so – overcoming of the accruing conflicts; and in the second case – the concept of formation of global system of the “Center – Periphery” relations within which the solution of the specified globalization problems is possible. “Globalization paradigm” offered in this article (unlike “civilization paradigm” of S. Huntington) is a way to a sustainable development of the world community, the answer to the question in the headline of this article. The author demonstrates that sustainable development is not a utopia, but also it is not a reality yet, and transition to such reality can’t be neither easy, nor fast.

globalization; sustainable development; global system of relations “Center – Periphery”; conflicts; global transformation of the world; new world order; the international supranational formations; great powers.

Content No. 2, 2015

See also:

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«Empire», or Farewell to Modernity. – Polis. Political Studies. 2007. No3

Timofeev I.N.,
Security Dilemma. Risk of Armed Conflict between the Great Powers. – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No4

Safranchuk I.A., Lukyanov F.A.,
The Contemporary World Order: The Adaptation of Actors to Structural Realities. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No4

Salmin A.M.,
Russia, Europe, and the New World Order. – Polis. Political Studies. 1999. No2

Safranchuk I.A., Lukyanov F.A.,
The Modern World Order: Structural Realities and Great Power Rivalries. – Polis. Political Studies. 2021. No3



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