Sof Attraction of Japan
Chugrov S.V.,
Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Sociology, leading researcher, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University; Editor-in-chief of Polis. Political Studies journal Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 252110 | ORCID: 0000-0002-8307-7606 | RESEARCHER_ID: E-4747-2016
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2015.06.08
Chugrov S.V. Sof Attraction of Japan. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No. 6.
After the Crimean referendum was held and the war in south-eastern Ukraine broke out, Russia began looking with increasing interest towards Asian countries (e.g., China, Japan, Korea, India, countriesof ASEAN), while the relations with the West were badly hit by anti-Russian sanctions. Remains of the Westphalian system, established in 1648 after the end of the Thirty Years War and based on the principle of balance of power, as well as the Yalta system have practically collapsed. Can the East offer something constructive as a replacement? The author analyzes “a new bioethics” theory proposed by the Japanese political scientist Hyakudai Sakamoto, which is based on the principle of harmonization of interests andthe use of soft power. Japan is among those countries that are most effectively use their soft power to createits positive image. Firstly, Tokyo consciously renounces the use of “hard power” in its security policy thatis dictated by the Article 9 of the Constitution in spite of the September 2015 amendments of military ilk.Second, ideas of the virtues of soft methods as a value are present in the national consciousness of the Japanese since ancient times. Official Tokyo efficiently and pragmatically exploits cultural diversity of the country, specifically the promotion of cultural diplomacy focuses on creating an attractive national brand. The article deals with the strategy and tactics, and methods for their use of Japan’s soft power in the global world and in the Russian and Chinese directions. The author examines the reasons why the Japanese socio-cultural values has a special appeal. Analyzed are positive aspects and difficulties that accompany theestablishment of intercultural dialogue. A separate analysis is devoted to the diverse aspects of the Japan Foundation’s activities, the main agent of the Japanese soft power.