Intercultural Policies and Practices: Perspectives for Implementation in Russia

Intercultural Policies and Practices:
Perspectives for Implementation in Russia

Pain E.A.,

Research Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics,

elibrary_id: 137227 |

Fediunin S.Yu.,

Ph.D. Candidate, Center for European and Eurasian Studies, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO),

elibrary_id: 980779 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2020.01.09
Rubric: Russia Today

For citation:

Pain E.A., Fediunin S.Yu. Intercultural Policies and Practices: Perspectives for Implementation in Russia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No. 1.

This article was prepared with the support of the Russian Science Foundation, the project No. 15-18-00064.


The paradigm of multiculturalism, which had been largely recognised by both academic and political circles in the last third of the 20th century, is in crisis and requires either rethinking or replacement by another model; this could combine the virtues of multiculturalism in supporting cultural diversity with the need to consolidate society. The article analyzes the advantages of a new paradigm of diversity management known as “interculturalism”, and provides an overview of intercultural policies and practices through the example of the province of Québec and the Council of Europe’s Intercultural cities program. The article focuses primarily on the possibility of implementing the latter model in Russia in order to regulate Ethnopolitical relations. It is argued that the conception of the Russian “nationalities policy” could benefit from the including elements of the concepts and methodologies of intercultural policies and practices. Although the article highlights the existing limits in regard to the application of interculturalism in the Russian context, it also points to the substantial convergence of ethnopolitical trends in Russia and other Global North countries. The present article draws on the results of the research project “New approaches and methods of regulation of ethnopolitical relations on the territory of the largest urban agglomerations of Russia”, and particularly on the sociological data from three Russian million-cities (Perm, Rostov-on-Don and Ufa). Each case is scrutinized with regard to practices of mutual accommodation deployed by different ethnic communities. 

multiculturalism, interculturalism, nationalities policy, diversity management, accommodation, intercultural cities.


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Content No. 1, 2020

See also:

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