Russia and political order in a changing world: values, institutions, prospects

Russia and political order in a changing world:
values, institutions, prospects

Torkunov A.V.,

MGIMO University. Moscow, Russia,

elibrary_id: 498974 |

Article received: 2022.07.02 13:03. Accepted: 2022.08.05

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2022.05.02

For citation:

Torkunov A.V. Russia and political order in a changing world: values, institutions, prospects. – Polis. Political Studies. 2022. No. 5. EDN: CYRKPH


The article is devoted to the analysis of the most promising and popular strategies for the development of modern political science and the theory of international relations. In conditions of strategic instability, effective institutions of both national and global governance, designed to establish norms of collective action, are in demand. However, many of them, need to improve their efficiency. The author argues that the UN remains an key institution for international law, providing representativeness, regulation, and carrying out a political mission and a functional role. New structures are being created along with traditional international organizations, and rising powers are gaining influence. Contrary to popular belief, the rise of international institutions is not associated with a reduction in the role of the nation-state. The author believes that the idea that the threat is primarily posed by the so-called excessively ‘rigid’ states is flawed: at present, a kind of ‘conceptual rehabilitation’ of the effective states with a stable central government is overdue. In the context  of global turbulence, the greatest danger is not ‘tough’, strong states, but ‘weak’ and ‘fragile’ – insolvent – ones. The consideration of the regional dimension of modern political processes in the article reveals some evidence of the erosion of the vector of globalization during the massively increasing regionalization in its various manifestations, including macro-regionalization and glocalization. Within the study of methodological perspectives of regionalism, regional diversity and regional cooperation, both qualitative methods and quantitative strategies are used. Political governance and international relations, which represent a separate challenge and at the same time a new horizon of opportunities for political science, are the processes of comprehensive digitalization, including the use of big data (Big Data), artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies in political analytics. Big Data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies in political analytics is a new challenge and at the same time a popular prospect for political science and IR theories. This contributes to Russia's efforts to form a digital sovereignty-related agenda in this area. In order to stimulate interdisciplinary synthesis and empirical processing of large amounts of data on the subject areas of political science and international relations in Russia, it is necessary to form an integral scientific infrastructure, which MGIMO participates in developing with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Strengthening the value sovereignty of the Russian Federation in the face of external danger involves improving its axiological framework, within which it is difficult to overestimate the role of historical consciousness: it is historical experience that forms the coordinate system for assessing current events and justifying a reliable forecast of long-term development. The natural driver of this process is universities, which, in cooperation with local and regional communities, form vectors of socio-cultural activity and responsibility.


Russia, USA, political science, theory of international relations, political studies, political order, Russian Association of Political Science.


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Content No. 5, 2022

See also:

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