New Framework of Political Knowledge: Labor, Control and Vision of the Future

New Framework of Political Knowledge:
Labor, Control and Vision of the Future

Yerokhov I.A.,

Senior Researcher, Department of History of Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences,

elibrary_id: 250440 |

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2018.04.09
Rubric: Laboratory

For citation:

Yerokhov I.A. New Framework of Political Knowledge: Labor, Control and Vision of the Future. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No. 4.


The article is devoted to the problems of understanding the relationship between labor, its administration and the social perspective of society. The study is done in the framework of political philosophy and does not pretend to cover the entire scientific discourse on this topic. The author outlines two key problems: the fundamental modification of the structure of productive labor and the associated loss by society of clear future-oriented paths of development and progress. In the first part of the study, the author discusses the permeability of the boundaries between the social present and the future. The author believes that for most countries the prospect of the future is completely identified with the current state of consumption and labor organization in economically developed countries. The second part substantiates the thesis that the modern state of distribution of wealth and poverty has led to a restructuring of the labor system. The author proves that the main modern social tensions are not based on the classic “political economic faults” (contradictions between labor and capital), but are concentrated in the core of the labor system. The aim of the article is a political philosophical representation of the problem of “social future” in the conditions of modern capitalism, understood by the author as a social system of accumulation of labor in time.

politics; state; administration; control; ideology; political philosophy; capitalism; labor; capital; historical consciousness; social time; public strategies; political perspectives; social future; inequality.


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Content No. 4, 2018

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