Cyberspace security in Latin American countries
Kosevich E.Yu.,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia; Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 940271 | ORCID: 0000-0002-8056-8426 | RESEARCHER_ID: Y-3776-2019
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2022.03.09
Kosevich E.Yu. Cyberspace security in Latin American countries. – Polis. Political Studies. 2022. No. 3.
Support from the Individual Research Program of the School of World economy and International Affairs at National Research University – Higher School of Economics is gratefully acknowledged.
The adoption of a national cybersecurity strategy testifies to a country’s awareness of the importance of protecting cyber infrastructure, the digital economy and the business environment, on which information and economic well-being are already highly dependent. However, only a few Latin American countries have developed and adopted their own national cybersecurity strategy. This article analyzes key aspects of the cybersecurity strategies of Colombia, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Chile and Mexico. The author considers their guidelines and goals, as well as the bodies and institutions responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the results of these strategies. In addition, the author offers a description of the national cybersecurity policy developed in Brazil, the largest country in Latin America, which currently accounts for the largest number of cybercrimes in the region. Particular attention is paid to the state of the information technology industry in each of these Latin American countries.
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