The Problem of Migrant Integration into the Receiving Society in Post-Industrial Countries and in Russian Federation
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2007.06.07
Konstantinov V.V., Zelev M.V. The Problem of Migrant Integration into the Receiving Society in Post-Industrial Countries and in Russian Federation . – Polis. Political Studies. 2007. No. 6.
The article offers an attempt of comparative analysis of problems of migrant integration into the receiving society in developed countries and in present-day Russia. Notwithstanding the diametrically opposed tendencies of the economic development of post-industrial societies, on the one hand, and of Russia, with hydrocarbon raw materials making the predominant foundation of its economic welfare – on the other, there is much in common between them in the condition of the problem analyzed. It is not only the growing significance of migrants from underdeveloped, culturally distant countries for the life of the receiving societies that constitutes the above mentioned community, but also processes of de-industrialization which has broken many efficient mechanisms of migrant integration into the receiving milieu.