«Preventive democracy»:
concept. prerequisites of emergence. prospects for Russia
Inozemtzev V.L.,
Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Director of Center for Postindustrial Studies, Head of the Department of World Economy, Faculty of Public Governance, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, slava_in@yahoo.com
Inozemtzev V.L. «Preventive democracy»: concept. prerequisites of emergence. prospects for Russia . – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 6
The author of this article – Russian economist and political scientist, Professor V.L. Inozemtsev – analyzes the current political regime in Russia, arguing that the ruling elite systematically rejects any calls for change, thus carrying the nation, in his opinion, towards an inevitable clash with the changing economic and political reality. Being sure of the unwillingness of the president to liberalize the political domain, the author advances the concept of what he calls “preventive democracy” – a type of deliberative procedure aimed at elaborating some kind of compromise between elite and opposition.