The XXI Century Liberalism – Crisis or Rejuvenation?
DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2015.04.07
Peregudov S.P. The XXI Century Liberalism – Crisis or Rejuvenation? – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No. 4.
Substantiated in the article is the thesis of the quantitative and qualitative expansion of the “liberal inclination” in the party-political field of Western democracies. This expansion is based, on one hand, on the development of liberalism as such; on the other hand, on the adoption of the liberal creed by social democratic and conservative organizations. Under these circumstances, the process of “humanization” of liberalism is gaining momentum, while at the same time liberalism is shifting to the individual-group, “solidarity” dimension. A quickly developing synthesis of party and group principles results in the hybridization” of liberalism, which substantially increases its social and political weight and significance. Opposed to the “solidarity” trend, a rapid intensification of ultra-conservative anarcho-individualism is taking place. Both these extremes, as well as the political space between them, represent fundamentally different trends in mass perceptions, and their study of becomes increasingly important both for politics and for political science. In the struggle against the ultra-right fundamentalism the impact of different kinds of organizations and communities is increasing; the leading role among these is played by the international liberal think tank “Policy Network”.