Chinese and Western Values in the Modern Political Discourse of China

Chinese and Western Values in the Modern Political Discourse of China

Denisov I.E.,

Senior Research Fellow, Center for East Asian and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Institute for International Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), MFA of Russia,

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2015.06.06

For citation:

Denisov I.E. Chinese and Western Values in the Modern Political Discourse of China. – Polis. Political Studies. 2015. No. 6.


The article deals with ideological and political processes in China under the leadership of Xi Jinping. The author formulates several methodological approaches for policy evaluation of the “5thgeneration” of leaders, thoroughly analyzes the starting points of Xi Jinping’s modernization project, andconcludes that the course for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation embodies an attempt to continuethe tasks of domestic modernization while maintaining the national identification codes and the stabilityof traditional political mechanisms. Proclaiming the consolidating concept of “Chinese dream” largely dictated by the necessity to find a reliable basis for the public consensus. In the author’s opinion, the recent ideological campaigns (from the criticism of constitutionalism to propaganda of the “core socialistvalues”), are intended to form a value basis of the unique Chinese way. The West, in turn, is used asthe “external Other” both by the representatives of the liberal wing of the party and by the advocates ofconservatism. Overcoming the binary opposition “China – the West” will mark the new era in the historyof China’s development and will mean creation of a new Chinese identity.

China; Xi Jinping; globalization; national identity; Western values.

Content No. 6, 2015

See also:

Rutland P.,
Russia and China: Saga of Two Transitions to Market Economy. – Polis. Political Studies. 2009. No3

Pushkaryova G.V.,
Ideas and Values as a Method of Constructing Symbolic Space of the National Identity. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No5

Sokolov A.P., Davydov A.D., Belikov V.V., Sigova A.A.,
Specifics of national identity in the rhetoric of the German leadership (from speeches at the Munich security conference (2014-2022). – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No4

Lukin A.V.,
Russia and China in Greater Eurasia. – Polis. Political Studies. 2020. No5

Pechatnov V.O.,
“…And yet It Keeps Revolving”: Reading Victor Kuvaldin’s “The Global World”. – Polis. Political Studies. 2018. No1



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