The latest foreign policy courses of the PRC in the era of Xi Jinping as a legacy of ancient
Chinese ideas:
interpretations and guidelines
Dikarev A.D.,
MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 76818 | ORCID: 0000-0002-9888-7708 |
Fan Xuesong,
HSE University, Moscow, Russia,
elibrary_id: 1002025 | ORCID: 0000-0002-3318-2037 | RESEARCHER_ID: AAC-6859-2020
Article received: 2023.03.04. Accepted: 2023.07.12

DOI: 10.17976/jpps/2023.05.07
Dikarev A.D., Fan Xuesong The latest foreign policy courses of the PRC in the era of Xi Jinping as a legacy of ancient Chinese ideas: interpretations and guidelines. – Polis. Political Studies. 2023. No. 5. EDN: LXHQZT
In the part of the article prepared by A.D. Dikarev, the work was financially supported by MGIMO University, project No. 2025-04-03.
In recent years, especially since Xi Jinping took office as state leader in 2012, the PRC government has been paying increased attention to the influence of traditional Chinese wisdom on diplomacy, and also to the guiding importance of its own culture for foreign policy. In the era of Xi Jinping, the concepts of Confucianism and other ancient Chinese schools of international relations have become the ideological source of the PRC’s international relations strategy. Some of the most visible examples are the “Chinese Dream” and “the correct view on justice and profit.” The most striking of ideas in international relations based on ancient Chinese concepts is the “Community of the Common Destiny for Mankind.” Along with the implementation of these concepts, China’s foreign policy under Xi Jinping entered a new era. According to the PRC leadership and prominent Chinese scholars, Chinese ideas derived from their own ancient culture could bring to the world a new model of modernization and development, differing from Western models.
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