Polis. Political Studies
Lapkin V.V.

E-mail: vvlh@politstudies.ru
Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Leading Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, First Deputy Editor‑in‑Chief, Polis. Political Studies. Moscow, Russia
Vladimir Lapkin (born 1954), first deputy eitor-in-chief, “Polis. Political Studies” (since 2007) is an expert in comparative politics, political modernization, political sociology, political identity, political processes in modern Russia.
Leading Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (since 2008).
Principal Researcher, Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (1997-2008).
Principal Researcher, Institute of Sociological Analysis (September 1996 – September 1997).
Principal Researcher (October 1994 – September 1996), Analytical Centre, “Public Opinion” Foundation
Researcher (August 1993 – October 1994), Analytical Centre, “Public Opinion” Foundation
Key publications:
I. Monographs
Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V. Istoricheskoe prognozirovanie v XXI veke: Tsikly Kondrateva, evolyutsionnye tsikly i perspektivy mirovogo razvitiya [Historical Forecasting in the 21st century: Kondratieff Cycles, Evolutionary Cycles and Prospect of the World Development]. Dubna: Phoenix+. 2014. 456 p.
Lapkin V.V. Politicheskaya modernizatsiya Rossii v kontekste globalnykh izmenenii [Political Modernization in Russia in the Context of Global Changes]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2012. 140 p.
Pantin V.I., Lapkin V.V. Filosofiya istoricheskogo prognozirovaniya: Ritmy istorii i perspektivy mirovogo razvitiya v pervoi polovine XXI veka [Philosophy of Historical Forecasting: Rhythms of History and Prospects of the World Development in the First Half of the 21st Century]. Dubna: Phoenix+. 2014. 448 p.
Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I. Geoekonomicheskaya politika i globalnaya politicheskaya istoriya [Geoeconomic Politics and Global Political History]. Moscow: Olita. 2004. 280 p.
II. Scientific articles, chapters in collective monographs and collected works:
More than 150 scientific articles and chapters.
Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I. Crisis of the Ukrainian Statehood: Political and Legal, Valuable and Geoeconomic Aspects. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No 5. P. 68-89.
Lapkin V.V. Krizis kak motiv pereosmysleniya sovremennogo razvitiya [Crisis as a Motive for Rethinking the Modern Development]. – Politicheskie izmeneniya v globalnom mire: teoretiko-metodologicheskie problemy analiza i prognozirovaniya. Nauchnaya monografiya / Redkollegiya – I.S. Semenenko (otv. red.), V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin [Political Change in a Global World: Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Analysis and Forecasting (ed. by. I.S. Semenenko, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin)]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2014. P. 38-53.
Lapkin V.V. Modernizatsiya v globalnom kontekste: povestka dnya dlya Rossii [Modernization in a Global Context: an Agenda for Russia]. – Globalnyi mir: k novym modelyam natsionalnogo i regionalnogo razvitiya. Nauchnaya monografiya: v 2 t. / Redkollegiya: I.S. Semenenko (otv. red.), N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin [A Global World: Emerging Models of National and Regional Development. In 2 vols. Ed. by .S. Semenenko, N.V. Zagladin, V.V. Lapkin, V.I. Pantin]. Moscow: IMEMO RAN. 2014. P. 173-190.
Semenenko I.S., Lapkin V.V. Chelovek XXI veka: v poiskakh novoi identichnosti [Human of the 21st Century: In Search of a New Identity]. – Globalnaya perestroika / Otv. red. akad. A.A. Dynkin, akad. N.I. Ivanova [Global Perestroika (ed. by A.A. Dynkin, N.I. Ivanova)]. Moscow: Ves Mir Publ. 2014. P. 277-290.
Lapkin V.V., Pantin V.I., Ryabov A.V. Novaya periferiya. Trudnosti postkommunisticheskogo razvitiya [The New Periphery. Asperities of a Post-Communist Development]. – Globalnaya perestroika / Otv. red. akad. A.A. Dynkin, akad. N.I. Ivanova [Global Perestroika (ed. by A.A. Dynkin, N.I. Ivanova)]. Moscow: Ves Mir Publ. 2014. P. 185-208.
Lapkin V.V., Semenenko I.S. «Homo Politicus» vs Challenges of «infomodernity». – Polis. Political Studies. 2013. No. 6. P. 64-81. (In Russ.)
Lapkin V.V. Modernization» and «Capitalism»: Rethinking Contemporary Political Change. – Polis. Political Studies. 2012. No. 6. P. 41-45. (In Russ.)
Lapkin V.V. Modelling of Russian Political History. Introduction to a Theory of Evolutionary Cycles of Autochthnous Development. – Polis. Political Studies. 2011. No. 6. P. 33-51. (In Russ.)
Lapkin V.V. Metamorphoses of Identity in the Age of Globalization. – POLITEX. 2011. No. 2. P. 25-41.
elibrary_id: 43429 | ORCID: 0000-0002-0775-2630 | RESEARCHER_ID: AAB-9386-2021
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