Polis. Political Studies

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2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
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Akhremenko A.S.
 Effectiveness of public investment: a Model-to-evaluation strategy
No 6, 2014


Bartenev V.I.
 Domestic political determinants of foreign aid instruments: a model kit
No 5, 2014

Busygina I.M.
 Spatial distribution of power and strategies of states or what and how geopolitics explains
No 2, 2014

Buzin A.Yu.
 Russian electoral indices evolution in 1996-2012
No 6, 2014


Chirikova A.Ye.
 Power in a Small Russian Town: Configuration and Interaction of Major Local Actors
No 2, 2014

Chugrov S.V.
 Moscow University Bulletin. Series 25. International relations and world politics: 5 years on track
No 5, 2014


Fadeyeva L.A.
 Urbanity in the political-science dimension
No 1, 2014

Fishman L.G.
 Liberal consensus: the drift from neoliberalism to communitarianism?
No 4, 2014

Fomin I.V.
 Representations of state formations in political discourse analysis (the case of Kosovo)
No 2, 2014

Fridlyanov V.N.
 The 20th anniversary. interim results (interview)
No 5, 2014


Gaman-Golutvina O.V.
 EUs Eastern partnership: rival development scenarios
No 5, 2014

Grigorieva E.I.
 What should be websites of academic journals?
No 5, 2014

Grinin L.Ye.
 Revolution vs. Democracy (revolution and conterrevolution in Egypt)
No 3, 2014

Gutorov V.A.
 To the question of the origin of state: paradoxes and anomalies of modern interpretations
No 3, 2014


Ide K.
 Negotiations between the U.S.S.R./Russia and China on the settlement of border issues
No 3, 2014

Ilyin M.V.
 Flaky pastry of politics: orders, regimes and practices
No 3, 2014

 State, business and civil society: cooperation for modernization (according to results of RAPS all-Russian conference)
No 1, 2014

Inozemtzev V.L.
 Eurasian economic union: lost in the middle of nowhere
No 6, 2014


Kargina I.G.
 Religion as an adaptation factor for immigrants: peculiarities of the U.S. case
No 2, 2014

Khoros V.G.
 Ideas living in the time
No 1, 2014

Kochetkov A.P.
 National state in the conditions of globalization
No 4, 2014

Kokoshin A.A.
 Some macrostructure changes in the world politics. Trends for 2020 2030s
No 4, 2014

Kolosov V.A.
 Northern Caucasus in the Russian geopolitical discourse
No 2, 2014

Kosov Yu.V.
No 4, 2014

Kozyreva P.M.
 Crisis of Russias multiparty system
No 4, 2014

Krasin Yu.A.
 Ideology in the world undergoing transformation: traits to present a new vision
No 6, 2014

Kravchenko S.A.
 New risks of food: the need for a humanistic biopolitics
No 5, 2014

Kuznetsov V.F.
 Communicology journal. The start-up
No 6, 2014


Lapkin V.V.
 Crisis of the ukrainian statehood: political and legal, valuable and geoeconomic aspects
No 5, 2014

Lebedeva M.M.
 Resources of influence in world politics
No 1, 2014

Linetsky A.I.
 Latent lnstitutions: standard behavior patterns occurred spontaneously and their political meaning
No 6, 2014

Litvak N.V.
 To the methodology of diplomatic correspondence: analysis of K.N. Leontyevs notes and reports
No 4, 2014

Lokshin I.M.
 Election or coronation? The scope of presidential powers in the countries of the third wave of democratization
No 5, 2014

Lukin A.V.
 Is other democracy possible?
No 1, 2014

Lukin A.V.
 Chauvinism or chaos: Russias unpalatable choice
No 3, 2014

Lukin A.V.
 Eurasian integration and the clash of values
No 6, 2014


Makarenko B.I.
 Unfinished chronicle
No 3, 2014

Martyanov V.S.
 The Global Modern, postmaterial values and periphery capitalism in Russia
No 1, 2014


Neklessa A.I.
 Getting over Eurasia (geo-economic essay)
No 3, 2014

Nisnevich Yu.A.
 Lustration as instrument of counteracting corruption
No 1, 2014

Nisnevich Yu.A.
 Public power and corruption: socio-anthropological approach
No 6, 2014


Oganisyan Yu.S.
 New Russia in changing world: socio-political perspective
No 3, 2014


Pain E.A.
 Multi-faceted russian nationalism. Ideological and Political Versions (2010 2014)
No 4, 2014

Pan Dawei
 Which country is easier to deal with? Identity of the residents of Shanghai and St. Petersburg
No 2, 2014

Panov A.N.
 Dmitriy Streltsov on Japans modernization in the globalization epoch
No 2, 2014

Peregudov S.P.
 Parties and interest groups: to a new model of interaction
No 1, 2014

Petrov S.I.
No 4, 2014

Petukhov V.V.
 The Russians and the Russian World: the historical context and the contemporary interpretation
No 6, 2014

Pivovarov Yu.S.
 On the sovietic and on the ways of its overcoming (article first). The sovietic Ueber alles
No 1, 2014

Pivovarov Yu.S.
 On the Sovietic and on the ways of its overcoming(second article). What Is to be done?
No 2, 2014

Polyakov L.V.
 Decline of plebiscitary democracy?
No 2, 2014

Pshizova S.N.
 Is it possible to regulate democracy? Part II.
No 1, 2014


RPSA leadership
 Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Russian Foundation for Humanities
No 5, 2014

Rabotyazhev N.V.
 Between tradition and utopia: left-wing conservatism in Russia
No 4, 2014

Ratz M.V.
 G.P. Schedrovitskys ideas in Russian socio-political thought (in commemoration of the 85th anniversary)
No 3, 2014

Round Table of the Polis Journal
 Russia and Japan. Part II. View from Russia
No 1, 2014

Rozov N.S.
 The legitimacy of postrevolutionary power: principles and criteria
No 5, 2014


Sakwa R.
 Axiological vs dialogical politics in contemporary Europe
No 2, 2014

Shapiro Ien
 Democracy man. The life and work of Robert A. Dahl
No 3, 2014

Shestopal Ye.B.
 Value Characteristics of the Russian Political Process and Strategy of the Countrys Development
No 2, 2014

Silantieva M.V.
 New principles of the Philosophy of frontier in the global world: de-sovereignization or post-sovereignization?
No 3, 2014

Simonia N.A.
 New strategic factors in the struggle for Russias modernization
No 3, 2014

Simonia N.A.
 European Unions energy security and Russia
No 5, 2014

Simonyan R.Kh.
 Border interaction between Russia and European Union: trends and modeling
No 5, 2014

Smorgunov L.V.
 Network political parties
No 4, 2014

Strezhneva M.V.
 European Union in political management of global finance
No 2, 2014

Sungurov A.Yu.
 Expert community, think tanks and power: experience of three regions
No 2, 2014


Talagayeva D.A.
 Norway: the state science policy
No 1, 2014

Tatarinova S.M.
 Japan: the system of R&D state support
No 1, 2014

Tokarev A.A.
 Labyrinths of the Great migration
No 4, 2014

Tretyakov V.T.
 Future virtual communism and hypnovision: on mass television and mass politics
No 4, 2014


Vendina O.I.
 Ukraine in the political crisis: the image of Russia as catalyst of contradictions
No 5, 2014

Verkhovsky A.M.
 Political party consctruction on the ultra-right wing of russian political spectrum
No 4, 2014

Volodina S.V.
 Options of electoral systems as an object to reform (technologies of influence)
No 5, 2014


Yankovskaya G.A.
No 4, 2014

Yeremenko G.O.
 eLibrary.ru and Russian Science Citation Index in the information infrastructure of russian science: conversation with Gennadiy Yeremenko, Director General, eLibrary.ru
No 1, 2014


Zeveleva O.I.
 Migration policy and collective identity: the case of the russian-germans in Germany
No 6, 2014

Zhiltsov S.S.
 Political technologies of struggle for power in Ukraine
No 6, 2014

Zulyar Yu.A.
 About Sovietic of Yury Pivovarov
No 4, 2014

 The Caspian school of political science
No 6, 2014



Introducing an article

Polis. Political Studies
3 2015

Chugrov S.V.
Scientific Article: a Fruit of Creative Art, Craft, or Relevation?



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