HSE University is pleased to announce a call for proposals with reports to take part in the 25th Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (25th Yasin Conference).
The key events of the 25th Yasin Conference will be taking place in Moscow from April 23 to 26, 2024.
Reports on new research results will be presented and discussed as part of the Conference’s sections. These reports will be selected through reviews of proposals. Furthermore, the Conference’s programme traditionally features expert discussions of the most pressing economic, social, internal and external issues in the format of roundtables and associated events.
Applications for attending the Conference as a participant can be submitted until Friday, April 19, 2024. Further details are available on the Conference website in the section for ’Participants’.
The Conference’s events will be held in Russian or English. Certain discussions will be bilingual with simultaneous translation services provided.
With a view to involving participants from Russia’s various regions and all over the world, as well as bearing in mind that certain epidemiological restrictions still may be in effect, the 25th Yasin Conference will be held in a hybrid format.
A competitive selection of proposals submitted by young researchers from Russian regions for taking part in the Conference will be traditionally held as part of the 25th Yasin Conference.
Proposals for taking part in the Conference with a report will be focused on the following areas:
1. Asian Studies;
2. Geography and Geo-information Technologies;
3. Demography and Labour Markets;
4. Instrumental Methods in Economic and Social Studies;
5. Corporate Finance in the Context of Global Challenges;
6. Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policy;
7. International Relations;
8. Economic Methodology;
9. World Economy;
10. Science and Innovation;
11. Education;
12. Political Processes;
13. Law in the Digital Age;
14. Psychology;
15. Healthcare Studies;
16. Regional and Urban Development;
17. Management;
18. Social Policy;
19. Sociocultural Processes;
20. Sociology;
21. Theoretical Economics;
22. Smart City;
23. Financial Institutes, Markets and Payment Systems;
24. Firms and Markets;
25. Data-Driven Economy.
The final deadline for filing proposals online via the HSE University’s Conference system is Friday, April 19, 2024.
Registration fees
Participation fee for listeners (participants without a report): RUB 3,000. See detailed information in the “Registration Fee Payments”.
Participation in the Conference will be free of charge for all other participants, including:
· Students and PhD students from any University (upon presentation of their Student ID);
· HSE University’s staff (upon presentation of their staff ID badge);
· Honourary guests invited by the Conference Programme and Organizing Committees.
Detailed information on the registration fee payment procedure can be found here.
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